Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes for October 11th, 2006

Amended and Approved October 25th, 2006


Planning Board Attendees

Arnold Cohen – Vice Chair

Wayne Bradley

Amanda Sloan – Clerk

Paul Lauenstein




Peter O’Cain – Asst. Town Engineer




Richard Benevento – Edwards and Kelcey

Steve Cecil – Cecil Group


Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm by Vice Chair Arnold Cohen.


Meeting Discussion

Chair’s Report


Form A


Sign Review


Meeting Minutes of 9/27/06


Economic and Transportation Master Plan for the Town of Sharon


Other Business

Lot Shape Article

Mr. Cohen noted that the by-law would be effective in slowing future growth and planned to argue this point at town meeting.  Potential opposition to the lot shape article was discussed.  Mr. Bradley observed that FinCom voted unanimously to “indefinitely postpone”.  Fincom members were concerned that even some rectangular lots would fail the proposed factor.  Expressing concern that we might lose the fight, Mr. Bradley suggested a fallback position of a less restrictive shape factor might help get it passed.  He felt the Board was unanimous in its desire to prevent the truly extreme shapes being created.  Suggestions were made to revise the factor to 25 and/or 30.  Mr. O’Cain felt that we should forge ahead and make our case.  He volunteered to research the number of existing lots that might be affected by the article.


CSD Bylaw

Mr. Bradley stated he went to the ConCom meeting and they indicated that they would like the PB to hold off on the 10% affordable housing component until the Inclusionary Zoning bylaw is drafted. Mr. Bradley stated he is inclined to say yes to try and achieve consensus with other Boards as this would go a long way to ease concerns. Mr. Cohen questioned if you take out the 10%, should you put affordable back in? Mr. Lauenstein suggested coming back in the spring to address all aspects of Inclusionary Zoning, including small developments where cash contributions to an affordable housing fund might be necessary in order to create parity.


Mr. Bradley moved that the Board withhold 10% housing requirement from the proposed CSD warrant article subject to formal ratification by the Conservation Committee at their next meeting. Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion. The Board voted 3 in favor and Mr. Cohen abstained.



Ms. Sloan provided the Board with sample advertisements with the term “New England village” referenced. She also provided other materials which illustrate that low impact design techniques are happening in other towns.


Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Planning Board will be held on October 25th at 7:30 pm, Town Hall.


Meeting Adjournment

Ms. Sloan moved to adjourn meeting at 10:50PM; Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion; passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts

Administrative Assistant